Assistant Professor
Jyothi Anantula is pursuing her PhD. in the area of Cloud Computing in the Dept. of computer Science from osmania University ,Hyderabad and has received her master’s in technology (computer science) from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad in 2012,Masters in Computer Application in 2002 from Osmania University ,she worked as a search engine optimizer in bodhtree consulting Ltd.from 2004-2006 and later joined as a faculty in Anurag Group of Institutions(formerly CVSR College of Engineering ) in 2008 and working till date. She taught various subjects for engineering graduates. She is a part of technical training for B.Tech. Students, guided UG & PG projects, criteria 7.3 coordinator from CSE Dept. for NBA and also a member of the IOT research wing of the Dept.
Research Interests
- Data analytics
Teaching Interests
- C
- Java
- cloud computing
- Computer networks
Selected Publications
- A.Jyothi, Dr.B.IndiraReddy”Two Way Validation Framework for Cloud Storage Security ”International Journal of Engineering &Technology, Vol.7,No 2.20(2018)PP236- 242.Scopus 2019
- A.Jyothi, Dr.B.Indira Reddy Secure storage ,distribution and processing of IOT based data through mobile cloud computing-A survey International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering ISSN(O):2319-8354, ISSN(P):2319-8346. volume 06, special issue(01),September 2017.
- A.Jyothi, Dr.B.Indira Reddy Secure Data Sharing ,Collaboration and User Revocation In Cloud Computing International Journal of Advanced Scientific Technologies ,Engineering and Management Sciences (IJASTEMS-ISSN: 2454-356X) Volume.3,Special Issue.1,March.2017
Selected Awards and Honors
External Profile Links
- Registered as a research scholar in 2013 and Pursuing P.hd.in the area of cloud computing in the Dept.of Computer Science of Osmania University .
- Obtained Masters in technology in the year 2012 from JNTUH, certified as Master of Computer Applications from osmania university in the
year 2002 - Gradated from Pragathi degree college in 1998 and have completed schooling from Stanley girls High School, Hyd., in 1993