Dr. Bodige Narender
Associate Professor
Dr Bodige Narender is an Associate Professor in the Anurag group of Institutions(CVSR) and joined in the year 2016. He finished his Ph.D in Civil Engineering from International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIITH), India. Prior to joining Anurag group of Institutions(CVSR), he was an Assistant Professor at Vasavi College of Engineering (VCE) and Lecturer in JB Institute of Engineering and Technology (JBIET), Hyderabad. Dr B. Narender worked as research fellow in IIITH and involved National and International Project in year 2011 to 2013 such as DISANET (JICA-JST) for set of building vibration sensor in Chandigarh city and Vulnerability Assessment of Nanded City and Himachal Pradesh. He also involved consultancy work for the Ramappa temple to study effect of Near Site Tunnel Blasts of Devadula Project in the year 2011 and Third Party Quality Control of GHMC (2018 to present). He supervised fifteen Master Thesis and Eight Undergraduate Projects. Dr.B.Narender also involved National Board of Accreditation (NBA) and National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) process as department coordinator at the Anurag Group of Intuitions, Member for board of studies at Anurag Group of Institutions (2016-present) and Vasavi College of Engineering (2014-2016). Dr Narender was a member of various professional society M.EERI, Institute of Engineers (IEI) and Indian Society of Earthquake Technology (ISET)-Roorke.
Research Interests
- Seismic Risk Assessment of Existing structures
- Retrofitting of Existing structures
- Seismic Hazard Analysis
- Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
- Seismic Analysis and Design of High Rise building
- Numerical simulation of RC Buildings
- Structural Health Monitoring of Structure.
Teaching Interests
For UG:
- Structural Analysis
- Design of concrete and steel structure
- Structural Health Monitoring
- Advanced Structural Analysis
- Engineering Mechanics
- Engineering Graphics
- Solid Mechanics
- Computer Analysis and Design Laboratory
For postgraduates:
- Earthquake Engineering
- Structural Dynamics
- Finite Element Method
- Earthquake Resistant Design of Building
- Computer Analysis and Design Laboratory
Selected Publications
- Bodige Narender and Ramancharla Pradeep Kumar, ”Assessment of capacity of existing Building Through Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis: A Comparison between Micro an Macro Modeling”, The Indian Concrete Journla, April 2016, Vol.90,Issue 4, pp.33-42. SCI
- Shaik Shayza and Bodige Narender, Seismic Behaviour of G+7 RC Open Ground Storey Buildings with Fluid Viscous Dampers, August-2019.
- E.Sathish Reddy and B. Narender, Seismic Fragility Curves of R.C.Framed Buildings Designed as per IS Low, Medium and High code, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Volume-9 Issue-2 December 2019.
- Gurujala Jeshwanth and Dr. B. Narender, Seismic Fragility curves for R.C. flat slab framed buildings with and without infill, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering ,Volume-9 Issue-2 December 2019.
- Aslam Hussain Hashmi and B.Narender, Seismic Behavior of RC buildings with Effect of Staircase and Elevator Core Wall, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019.
- Shaibaz Bin Iqbal and B. Narender Seismic Behavior of Mid-Rise Precast Reinforced Concrete Building with Effect of Joints and Supports, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume- 8 Issue-4, November 2019.
- Ifteqhar Ahmed Khan and Dr. B. Narender, Effect of Steel Bracing in Progressive Collapse of Multi Storey RC Buildings, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019.
- Bodige Narender and Ramancharla Pradeep Kumar, “Comprehensive seismic risk model for Building Environment: A case study on Nanded Waghal city”, (Under Review, JSEE) .
- Bodige Narender and Ramancharla Pradeep Kumar, “ Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis of Nanded city”, Journal of Structural Engineering, SERC, Chennai. (Uneder Review).
- Pulkit D Velani, B. Narender, D. Hima Chandan, Ramancharla Pradeep Kumar, K. Takano, T. Masuda6 and T. Ito Response of Buildings in Indo-Gangetic Region to Far Field Ground motions: Case Study on 2015 Nepal Earthquake, (Under Review, Current Science).
- R. Pradeep Kumar, D. Srinagesh,T. Seshunarayana, R. K. Chadha, Narender Bodige,G. Suresh,D. HimaChandan and C. V. R Murty “Vulnerability Assessment of Heritage Structure (Ramappa Temple) due to Blast Induced Ground motions”, Current Science (00113891) . 10/10/2020, Vol. 119 Issue 7, p1131-1141. 11p.
Selected Awards and Honors
External Profile Links
- Doctor of Philosophy (Integrated) in Civil Engineering, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT-H), (2009-2014)
- Master of Technology in Computer Aided Structural Engineering (CASE), International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT-H), (2008-2009)
- Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering,Osmania University ,Hyderabad(2004-2007)
- Diploma in Civil Engineering, Government Polytechnics, Masab Tank, Hyderabad, (2001-2004)