Assistant Professor



G MounikaTejaswipresently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacy at Anurag University, Telangana. She received a Pharm.D degree in 2015 from JJS University, Mysore. She has done her certification course in pharmacology in 2015 and Pharmacovigilance, Clinical Research, & medical writing course in 2018. She has 4.5 years of total experience, published 4 articles and attended several conferences, symposiums, workshops at the national and international levels. Guided 4 pharmacy graduates in their research projects. She is mentoring the students and guiding them to progress and excel in their curricular and co-curricular activities. She has Life memberships in the APTI.

Research Interests

Teaching Interests

Community pharmacy
Hospital Pharmacy
clinical pharmacy,
Pharmacoepidemiology and
Pharmacotherapeutics I & II

Selected Publications

  1. Karunya Kona, MadihaWajid, SadhanaKanukuntla, VasudhaBakshi, NarenderBoggula, MounikaTejaswiGorle*, Effects of patient counselling on medication adherence in Diabetic Patients, JCBPS; Section B; May 2020 –July 2020, Vol. 10, No. 3; 426-436.
  2. Rani SamyukthaVelamakanni, Sai Kishore Pittla, Srikanth Reddy Anugu, Raj KiranSriramula, MounikaTejaswiGorle and NarenderBoggula “Efficacy of Anti-Hypertensive in prolonging Diabetic Nephropathy” IJRPC 2018, 8(3), 422-436 (ISSN: 22312781) (Year 2018)
  3. NikhilaAdla, SushmithaGanta, SwathiKontham, Shravan Kumar Sonaboina and MounikaTejaswiGorle “Study of prescribing pattern of antibiotics and its resistance in tertiary care hospital” The Pharma Innovation Journal 2018; 7(8): 553-565. (Year 2018)
  4. UjwalMashetty, Syed RaziuddinQuadri, NarenderBoggula, VasudhaBakshi and MounikaTejaswiGorle* “Assessment On Prescribing Patterns Of Drug Usage And Drug Interactions In Respiratory Diseases” International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences ISSN: 2321-3272, ISSN: 2230-7605; IJPBSTM | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | JUL-SEPT | 2018 | 1075-1085 (Year 2018)
  5. Kothapalli Rahul Chowdary, GangavarapuVenkataMounika, ChalapatiPrasanthChowdary, Rani SamyukthaVelamanakki, VasudhaBakshi and MounikaTejaswiGorle ‘Study on prognostic markers in chronic kidney disease patients as an independent risk factors and its management’ the Pharma Innovation Journal 2018; 7(10): 63-70 (Year 2018)

Selected Awards and Honors

External Profile Links

  • Pharm.D 2015 – JSS College of Pharmacy (JSS University) Mysore.
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