Dr. K. B. Raju
Assistant Professor
Dr. K. B. Raju is currently working as Associate Professor in the Department of Information Technology at Anurag University, Hyderabad. He has over twenty years of teaching experience in different places Including 5years abroad experience. He has completed his PhD (CSE) from JNTUK in 2017, Kakinada, M.Tech (CSE) from CBIT, Osmania University and undergraduate in Computer Science from Sree Krishna Devaraya University, Anantapur . He has 21 papers in refereed journals and 9 conference papers. He has organized and conducted few couple of conferences, workshops, FDPs and seminars in earlier worked colleges. He also involved in mentoring and counselling the students in his service.
Research Interests
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Big Data Analytics
Data Mining
Teaching Interests
Dr. K. B. Raju has taught subjects for post graduate and Undergraduate courses and some of them are given below.
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Big Data Analytics
Data warehousing and Data Mining
Data Science
Middleware Technologies
Data Structures
Operating System
Software Engineering
Computer Organization
Computer Algorithms.