Dr.P.Pradeep Kumar

Associate Professor



Dr. P.Pradeep kumar is presently working as Associate Professor in the Department Civil Engineering, Anurag University, Hyderabad. He did his B.Tech from MVSR Engineering college, Hyderabad, affiliated in Osmania University, Hyderabad, did his M.Tech in Geotechnical Engineering from IIT-Roorkee, and Ph.D. in the field of Geotechnical Engineering from IIT-Roorkee, Roorkee.

As a faculty of Civil Engineering he has worked as Assistant Professor with MVSR Engineering college in Hyderabad for about 3.5 years from August 2013 to December 2016 Then worked as Associate Professor and Head of Civil Engineering Department in Marri Laxman Reddy Institute of Technology and Management for 1.5 years before joining Anurag Group of Institutions as Associate Professor on 1st June 2018. His fields of interest are finite element method, Numerical Modelling, Soil Structural interaction and stochastic studies. He has published 20 research papers in National /international journals and conferences. He has guided 3 M.Tech dissertations, 15 B.Tech. projects so far. He is the life time member of professional bodies like Indian Geotechnical Society, Indian Society of rock Mechanics and Tunneling Technology

Research Interests

  • Geotechnical Engineering

Teaching Interests

Finite element method,
Ground improvements,
Soil mechanics ,
Foundation Engineering,
Stochastic and probabilistic studies

Selected Publications

Details Of Research Publications
International Journals:

  1. Maheshwari, Priti and Kumar, P. Pradeep (2011), “Probabilistic Analysis and Design of a Strip Footing on Layered Soil Media.” Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 6, 1099-1108.( ISSN: 1573-1529 (electronic version), SCOPUS,Springer)
  2. P.Pradeep Kumar, V.A.Sawant and PritiMaheshwari (2012),”Stresses and Displacements in a three layered soil. “International Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 6, No.2, 346-349.
  3. Kumar, P. Pradeep and Maheshwari, Priti (2013), “Stochastic Analysis of Strip Footings on Elastic Layered Soil.” KSCE journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 7, 1621-1629 ( ISSN: 1976-3808,SCI Indexed Impact Factor 0.377, Springer).
  4. SandhyaRani. R, Hyma. A, Ravi Shekar.K, and Pradeepkumar .P (2017). “The Behaviour and Performance of Geotextiles with Reference to CBR value on clay”. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol.877.224-229.
  5. Pradeepkumar .P and Sandhya Rani. R (2018) “Improvement in Properties of Black Cotton Soil using Lime and Granite Stone Dust” International Journal of Scientific Research and Review Volume 7, Issue 3,

Indian Conference:

  1. P.Pradeep Kumar and PritiMaheshwari (2011), “Stochastic Analysis of Strip Footings on Layered soil.” Indian Geotechnical Conference (Geochallenges), Paper No. N-161,875-878.
  2. P.Pradeep Kumar, V.A.Sawant and PritiMaheshwari (2012),”Stresses and Displacements in a three layered soil. “VVP ITES Conference 2012.
  3. P.PradeepKumar, PritiMaheshwari and V.A.Sawant (2013). “Influence of Modular ratio in Layered Soil System.” 4IYGEC (IIT MADRAS),189-192.
  4. Kumar, P., Maheswari,P., Sawant, V.A.(2013) “Probabilistic nonlinear analysis of strip footing” Indian Geotechnical Conference (GANGA, IIT ROORKEE) Paper No. N-103.
  5. SatavalekarRupali S., SawantVishwas A., P.Pradeep Kumar (2014). “2D FEM Analysis of Contaminant Transport in Saturated Heterogeneous Media”. IGC KAKINADA (GEOIND 17-19, DEC-2014).
  6. P.PradeepKumar, and V.SaiSravani (2016). “Improvement of Black Cotton soil using Crushed Stone Dust” International Conference on Soil and Environment, ICSE 2016, Bangalore.
  7. Sandhya rani, P.Pradeep Kumar, K.V.Krishna Reddy and Praveen S (2016). “Stabilization Of Clay At SunnamCheruvu Area In Nadergul, Hyderabad Using Organic Waste.” IGC CHENNAI (IGC 15-17, DEC-2016).
  8. P.Pradeepkumar, R.Sandhya Rani, A.Hyma, and K.V.Krishna Reddy. “Usage of Biological Waste as an Admixture for Improving Black Cotton Soil.” IGS ROORKEE CHAPTER CONMIG2017 .
  9. P.Pradeepkumar, R.Sandhya Rani, V.SaiSravani (2017). “Improvement in Properties of Black cotton Soil using Lime” ICRAMMCE2017 (JUNE-2-3,2017).
  10. Sandhya Rani. R, Hyma. A, Ravi Shekar.K, and Pradeepkumar .P (2017). “The Behaviour and Performance of Geotextiles with Reference to CBR value on clay”. ICRAMMCE2017 (JUNE-2-3, 2017).

Selected Awards and Honors

External Profile Links

  • Ph.D Geotechnical Engineering IIT Roorkee- 2013
  • M. Tech Geotechnical Engineering IIT Roorkee-2009
  • B. Tech Civil Engineering Osmania University-2007
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