Dr.T.Anil Kumar
Dr.T. Anil Kumar is the Professor and Head of the Department. He obtained his B. Tech from Kakatiya University, M. Tech and Ph.D from JNTUH University. He has 23 years of teaching and 13 years of research experience. He has organized and attended various workshops and conferences at National and International levels. He has published more than 65 papers in various National & International journals & conferences and guiding 6 Ph.D scholars.
Research Interests
- Modern Power System
- Smart Grid Technologies & Electric Vehicles
- Renewable Energy Technology
Teaching Interests
- Power Systems
- Control Systems
- Power Electronics
Selected Publications
Papers Published in Journals
- G. Mohan Krishna, Harish Pulluri, Kavitha Merugu, D. Mohan Reddy & T. Anil Kumar published a paper entitled “Application of a Lateral Misalignments Detection Mechanism for Roadway Powered Electric Vehicle” Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Publishing model, Volume 19, Issue 3,2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42835-023-01603-y.
- U. Sakthi, T. Anil Kumar, KuralukaVimala Kumar, ShamimulQamar, Girish Kumar Sharma, Abdul Azeem published a paper entitled “ Power grid based renewable energy analysis by photovoltaic cell machine learning architecture in wind energy hybridization” published in Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Vol. 57,Page no-1-16.2023, ISSN number:2213-1396, DOI;doi.org/10.1016/j.seta.2023.103243.
- Gopala, V.M., T. Anil Kumar, D. Krishna, Ch. Srinivasa Rao, Shashank Kumar and SudiptoPoddar” Rapid Control Prototyping of Five-Level MMC based Induction Motor Drive with different Switching Frequencies” in EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology,Vol-10,IssueNo-1,PageNos:102-119.ISSNNo-2443-1168;DOI: doi.org/10.24003/emitter.v10i1.637.
- NY Vanguri, S Pazhanirajan, T.Anil Kumar published a paper entitled “Competitive feedback particle swarm optimization enabled deep recurrent neural network with technical indicators for forecasting stock trends” in International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Volume 7, pages:385–405,2023.
- N Yadav Vanguri, S Pazhanirajan, T Anil Kumar published a paper entitled “Extraction of Technical Indicators and Data Augmentation-Based Stock Market Prediction Using Deep LSTM Integrated Competitive Swarm Feedback Algorithm” in International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 2023.
- Dr. T. Anil Kumar, T. Dinesh,” Fault Detection And Identification Using Levenberg Machine Learning Algorithm”, InternationalJournal of Scientific & Technology Research, VOL 09, Issue No-1,2020.
- R.Murali,T.Dinesh, T.Anil Kumar,” Demand Response of Smart Homes Using State Flow Algorithm”, IJEAT, Vol:8, Issue:4 April 2019,2019.
- A. Ajitha, Nallapaneni Manoj Kumar, Jiang, Guduru Ramakrishna Reddy, Arunkumar Jayakumar, Kadapalla Praveen, T. Anil Kumar,” Experimental study on under water performance of Thin Film Photo Voltaic Module immersed in shallow and deep waters”, Results in Physics, ELSEVIER journal, Volume- 15,2019(SCI Journal).
- MD. Yaseen, T. Anil Kumar,” Optimal Location and Parameter Settings of UPFC Using ACO for Enhancing Power System Security under Single Contingencies”, Universal Journal of Electrical Engineering(SCOPUS), Volume No-6,PP.61-70,2019.
- Dr.T.Anil Kumar,” Large Scale Predictive Analysis for Real-Time Energy Management”, IJEAT (SCOPUS), Volume-8, Issue-4,2019.
- K.Vasu, A. Naveen Kumar, T. Anil Kumar ,”Optimal Control in Distribution System using Intentional Islanding Mode of Operation”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-4, April 2019,PP.1628-1631.
- Dr.M.Ramesh, Dr.T.Anil Kumar,” Performance Investigation Of Fractional-Order Pi Based Unified Power Quality Conditioner”,International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,Volume 120 No. 6 2018, PP.473-493,ISSN: 1314-3395.
- T.Dinesh, PalleJayabharath Reddy and Thalluru Anil Kumar,” A Coordinated V2g Control for LFC Of Multi Area Power System With Hvdc Link In Deregulated Environment”,International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 120 No. 6 2018, PP.567-586,ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
- K.Vasu, A. Naveen Kumar, T. Anil Kumar,”Optimal Control in Distribution System using Intentional Islanding Mode of Operation”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-4, April 2019.PP.1628-1631.
- Dr.T.Anil Kumar,” Optimal Control in Distribution System using Intentional Islanding Mode of Operation” IJRET(SCOPUS), Volum e No-, Issue-4,2018.
- Dr.T.Anil Kumar,” Real Power Tracing and Estimation in Deregulated Environment using Big Data Analytics” International Journal of pure and applied mathematics(SCOPUS), Volum e- 120, PP.495-507,2018.
- I.Vijay Kumar, K. Rakesh, T. Anil Kumar,”HVDC Light Transmission System with Fuzzy Logic Based PI Controller”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019 ,PP.7541-7545.
- MD. Yaseen, G. Sathyanarayana, T. Anil Kumar,” An Intelligent and Non Integer Order Coordinate Control for LFC of Multi Area Power System Integrated with EVs”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019,PP.7547-7550.
- G Sivanarayana Reddy, Kurakula Vimala Kumar, Thalluru Anil Kumar,”Modelling of Alternate Arm Converter in HVDC Applications” International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts , Volume 6, Issue 1 January 2018 , ISSN: 2320-2882,PP.393-400.
- Velamakuru Vasantha Lakshmi, Kurakula Vimala Kumar, Thalluru Anil Kumar,” DSTATCOM based Induction Generator for Power Quality Improvement using Fuzzy Controller “, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) ,Volume 6, Issue 1 January 2018, ISSN: 2320-2882,PP.401-407.
- Nallagatla Vasundhara, Kurakula VimalaKumar, Thalluru Anil Kumar,” Implementation of Droop Control in DFIGBased Wind Turbines”, International Journal of Research,ISSN: 2348-6848,Volume05 Issue-01January 2018.
- Tavva Ravisankar Reddy, Kurakula Vimala Kumar, Thalluru Anil Kumar,” Improvement of Power Quality of Microgrid by Using Improved Droop Controller for Reactive Power Sharing”, International Journal of Research, e-ISSN: 2348-6848 p-ISSN: 2348-795X Volume 05 Issue-01 January 2018,PP.483-490.
- K Govinda Rajulu, Kurakula VimalaKumar, Thalluru Anil Kumar,”Integrated Grid by Using Dual Voltage Source Inverter for Power Quality Improvement”, International Journal of Research,ISSN: 2348-6848,Volume05 Issue-01January 2018.
- V. Ramu, Kurakula Vimal Kumar, T. A. Kumar,”Fuzzy Based Modulation and Control of Transformer less Unified Power Flow Controller”, Computer Science International Journal of Research,Corpus ID: 56865544,Published 2018.
- Vaddi Ramu, Kurakula VimalaKumar, Thalluru Anil Kumar ,”Fuzzy Based Modulation and Control of Transformerless Unified Power Flow Controller”,International Journal of Research, ISSN: 2348-6848, Volume05 Issue-01January 2018.
- Thalluru Anil Kumar ,” A Review on Control Strategies for LFC in Deregulated Scenario “, i-manager’s Journal on Circuits and System,2013.
- T. Anil Kumar, N. Venkata Ramana,”Design of Sliding Mode Observer Based Optimal Controller for Load Frequency Control in Multi Area Deregulated Thermal System Connected with HVDC Link” International journal on modeling and Simulation,2013.
- T. Anilkumar, Dr.N.Venkataramana,” Design of Optimal Reduced Order Observer for Three- Area Load Frequency Control in a Deregulated Environment Interconnected with HVDC Link”, i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering ,ISSN: 0973-8835,EISSN: 2230-7176.2012.
- Dr.T.Anil Kumar, Dr.N.Venkataramana ” Improvement of Dynamic Performance of Three-area Thermal system Under Deregulated Environment Using HVDC Link”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology,PP.405-412,2011.
- M. Rajashekar, I.V.Venu Gopala Swamy and T.Anil Kumar,” Modeling And Simulation Of Discontinuous Current Mode Inverter Fed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology(JTAIT),PP.86-94.
- M. Rajashekar and Dr.T.Anil Kumar,” Seven level diode clamped multi level inverter”, international journal of computational intelligence and information security,PP.35-42,2011.
- M. Rajashekar and Dr.T.Anil Kumar,” Nine level diode clamped multi level inverter” international journal of computational intelligence and information security,PP.70-79,2011.
Papers Published in Conferences
- T. Anil Kumar, V. Sai Krishna, Dr. N. V. Ramana “Improvement of dynamic performance of three area thermal system under deregulated environment using AC tie line parallel with HVDC link”, Power and Energy systems (ICPS), 2011 International Conference, pp 1-6(IEEE International Conference).
- T. Anil Kumar, Dr. N. V. Ramana, “ Load Frequency control in a Multi area Power System Interconnected with HVDC Link in a Deregulated Environment Using Optimal Full order Observer” 8th International Conference on Control and Instrumentation Organised by Manipal University(CISCON-2011), Paper No: CIS-153, Page No: 138-143.Published in the Month of Nov-2011 CISCON Proceedings.
- A paper entitled ‘Configuration of 48 pulse 9 level inverter based Static Synchronous Series Compensator’ published in international conference of IX Control Instrumentation System Conference (CISCON-2012),16-17 November 2012.
- T. Anil Kumar, Dr. N. V. Ramana, “Design of Optimal Sliding mode Controller for Load Frequency Control in Multi-area Deregulated Thermal System”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering and Energy Management (ICETEEEM–2012), ICETEEEM-2012 Proceedings, PS-13, Page No: 64-71, published in the Month of DEC-2012.
- T. Anil Kumar, Dr. N. V. Ramana, “A Review On Control Strategies For LFC In Deregulated Scenario” IEEE International Conference (ICCCCM-2013).
- T. Anil Kumar, Dr. N. V. Ramana “Tuning of Sliding Mode Observer Optimal parameters for load frequency control in Coordination with frequency controllable HVDC link in multi area deregulated power System, IEEE International Conference(EESCO),page no-2168-2173.
- T. Anil Kumar, Dr. N. V. Ramana “Tuning of Sliding Mode Observer Optimal parameters for load frequency control in Coordination with frequency controllable HVDC link in multi area deregulated power System”, IEEE International CONFERENCE(EESCO),PAGE-2225-2229.
- T. Anil Kumar,M.Raja sekhar,Dr.G.Sredhar Reddy “A 10 kWp roof top solar power plant at ACE Engineering College” Published in Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization IEEE Conference (EESCO-2015).
- T. Anil Kumar, G.Venu ,Dr. N. V. Ramana “Load Frequency Control of Multi Area Power System in Deregulated Environment with Robust controllers in Coordination with Frequency Controllable HVDC Link” published in IEEE international conference ICEETS-2016.
- T. Anil Kumar,K.Vimal Kumar,N.V.Ramana, “Variable Structure Controller based DPFC for Power Quality Enhancement of Transmission System” published in 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Engineering Trends, Communication, Optimization and Sciences (EEECOS)-2016(IEEE conference).
- T. Anil Kumar, G.Venu, N.V.Ramana,“Load frequency control of multi area power system in deregulated environment with robust Controllers in coordination with frequency controllable HVDC link” published in Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability (ICEETS), 2016 International Conference (IEEE conference).
- T.Anil Kumar,K,Vimal Kumar , V.Ganesh, “Chattering Free Sliding Mode Controller for Load Frequency Control of Multi Area Power System In Deregulated Environment “ accepted for PIICON-2016(POWER INDIA IEEE International conference).
- Dr.T.AnilKumar published a paper entitled “AGC of three area hydro-thermal system in deregulated using FOPI and UPFC” in IEEE international conference conducted by Chennai IEEE section.
- Dr.T.Anil Kumar published a paper entitled “Development of IOT Based Solution for Monitoring and Controlling of Distribution Transformers”published in IEEE international conference conducted by VimalJyothiEnggCollege,Kerala.
- Dr.T.Anil Kumar published a paper entitled “Condition Monitoring of a Virtual Solar System” published in 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems with publication link IEEE Xplore Compliant – Part Number:CFP17AWO-ART, ISBN:978-1-5090-5013-0.
- Dr.T.Anil Kumar published a paper entitled ““IoT based Condition Monitoring of Generators and Predictive Maintenance” published in 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems with publication link: IEEE Xplore Compliant – Part Number:CFP17AWO-ART, ISBN:978-1-5090-5013-0,2017.
- Dr.T.Anil Kumar published a paper entitled “Demand Response Management Using Cloud Enabled Load Optimization ” published in 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems with publication link: IEEE Xplore Compliant – Part Number: IEEE Xplore Compliant – Part Number:CFP17AWO-ART, ISBN:978-1-5090-5013-0.
- Dr.T.Anil Kumar published a paper entitled “IoT based Condition Monitoring of Generators and Predictive Maintenance ” published in 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems with publication link: IEEE Xplore Compliant – Part Number: IEEE Xplore Compliant – Part Number: IEEE Xplore Compliant – Part Number:CFP17AWO-ART, ISBN:978-1-5090-5013-0,2017.
- Dr.T.Anil Kumar published a paper entitled “AGC of Three Area Hydro Thermal System in Deregulated Environment using FOPI & IPFC” published in International Conference on Energy, Communication Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS).
- Received a grant of Rs.4.46 Lakhs for organizing AICTE-STTP (Short Term Training Programme) on “Advances in Power Electronics to Renewable Energy Systems and E-mobility.
- As a Co-PI received a grant under AICTE-RPS scheme for a project“Modular Multi Level Converter based wind energy conversion system”
Selected Awards and Honors
- Received a grant of Rs.4.46 Lakhs for organizing AICTE-STTP (Short Term Training Programme) on “Advances in Power Electronics to Renewable Energy Systems and E-mobility.
- As a Co-PI received a grant under AICTE-RPS scheme for a project “Modular Multi Level Converter based wind energy conversion system.”
External Profile Links
- Ph.D in Electrical Power System 2015 Electrical Power System J.N.T.U, Hyderabad —-
- M.Tech 2008 Electrical Power Engineering J.N.T.U, Hyderabad 70.1
- B.Tech 2001 EEE Kakatiya University 64.5
- Intermediate 1995 MPC Intermediate Board 70.7
- SSC 1992 General Board of SSC 74.0