Dr. Tilottama Goswami has overall 20 years of work experience in industry and academia. Presently working as Professor in Department of CSE at Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad. She had long association of 8 years with software industry in India and abroad. She has worked with reputed organizations in USA as a software consultant, worked with people from different nationalities with diversified nature, which helped her to become an effective team player. Possess more than 12 years in teaching field as well as research field.. As an active Senior IEEE Member and executive council member of CIS/GRSS, IEEE Hyderabad Region, Dr. Goswami conducts various workshops and delivers lectures in AI, ML topics at Faculty Development Programme, IEEE Summer School. She is an active reviewer of peer reviewed international journals such as Microsystem Technologies, American Journal of Applied Sciences, book chapters from Tata McGraw-Hill. She has been a part of Technical Program Committee member for reputed international conferences such as IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, INDICON, TENCON, ICISGT. Presently Dr. Goswami is looking forward to continuing her journey in the field of computer vision and machine learning and like to conduct advanced scientific research as a research scientist in near future. Her PhD and recent works have been published in reputed journal and conference proceedings. The combination of research, teaching and training has motivated her in pursuing academic career and also contribute to advanced research.
Research Interests
Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Image Processing
Teaching Interests
- Core Computer Science Subjects
- Discrete Mathematics
- C Programming and Lab
- Web Technologies and Case Tools Lab
- Object Oriented Analysis and Design
- Machine Learning
- Image Processing
- Multimedia Computing
Selected Publications
- Tilottama Goswami, Arun Agarwal, C.Raghavendra Rao,Hybrid Region and Edge Based Unsupervised Color-Texture Segmentation for Natural Images, International Journal of Information Processing, 2015,9 (1), pp 77-92, ISSN : 0973-8215,Society of Information Processing,Indexed by Google Scholar
- Tilottama Goswami, Role of Metaheuristics Optimization Approach in Image Segmentation Techniques, The IUP Journal of Science & Technology,Vol 5, No. 21,pp 21-34,Mar 2009,IUP Publication, Indexed on Cabell’s Directory
Conference Proceedings/Book Chapter
- Tilottama Goswami, HitendraSarma, Intelligent Computing for Air Pollution Monitoring Using GIS, Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Book Series LNEE, Emerging Trends in Electrical, Communications, and Information Technologies, Proceedings of ICECIT-2018, Volume 569, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-8942-9_12, January 2020 Springer, Singapore
- Tilottama Goswami, Uponika Barman Roy,Prediction Model for classification of Power System Faults using Machine Learning TENCON – 2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON),Kochi, Kerala, pg 1881-1885 ISBN: 978-1-7281-1895-6, DOI: 10.1109/TENCON.2019.8929264, December 2019, IEEE Xplore Digital Library
- Tilottama Goswami, YerrapothuVaisshnavi, A Case Study on Correctness Evaluation of Content based Recommender System based on Text, semantic text, International Conference on Data Science, Machine Learning & Applications, ICDSMLA 2019, 29-30 Mar 2019, CMRIT Hyderabad Springer
- Tilottama Goswami, Impact of Deep Learning in Image Processing and Computer Vision, International Conference on Micro-Electronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications, ICMEET-2017, Hyderabad, DOI:10.1007/978-981-10-7329-8_48,Springer
- ChandanaGogineni,Tilottama Goswami, Review of publicly available image forensic tools, 6th IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, ICCSP-2017, Tamil Nadu, IEEE Xplore, Scopus
- Tilottama Goswami, Arun Agarwal, C.Raghavendra Rao,Statistical Learning for Texture Characterization, Proceedings of the 2014 Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, ICVGIP-2014, Bangalore, India, December 14-18, 2014. ACM 2014, ISBN 978-1-4503-3061-9, 11:1-11:8 IISc, Bangalore,ACM (online), DBLP
- Tilottama Goswami, Arun Agarwal, C.Raghavendra Rao, Color Texture features Integration for Unsupervised Image Segmentation based on Orthogonal Polynomial Operators and Hybrid Color Space, Eighth International Conference on Image and Signal Processing ICISP-2014, July 25-27, Bangalore, India, pp 52-59, (Eds) K. R. Venugopal, K. B. Raja and L. M. Patnaik, ISBN: 9789351072522., Elsevier
- Tilottama Goswami Edge Detection in Image – An Overview National Conference on Emerging Trends In Soft Computing, in association with Indian Society for Rough Sets (ISRS) and Computer Society of India (CSI) Pune, Feb 2, 2011, ISBN: 9789380697567,Excel India
- Tilottama Goswami, ManeshKokare, Advancements in Content Based Image Retrieval towards ACO Metaheuristic Approach, Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, Image and Video Processing (ICCVGIVP-2009) Nagpur, March 13, 2009 RKNEC, Nagpur
- Tilottama Goswami, Sudeepto Bhattacharya, Overview of Pattern Classifiers and their Application Areas, IEEE International Conference on Recent applicationsof Soft Computing in Engineering and Tech Dec 22, 2007,IETAlwar
Selected Awards and Honors
External Profile Links
- 2010-2016 PhD. in Computer Science from School of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Full-Time Research Scholar
- 1998-2000 M.S (Computer Science) from Rivier University, NH, USA (1998-2000)
- 1991-1995 B.E.(Computer Science & Engineering) from National Institute of Technology, Durgapur (formerly REC) Durgapur, W.B