Mr. CH. V. Ravi Teja
Assistant Professor
Mr. Ch.V. Ravi Teja has joined as Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Anurag University, Hyderabad, India in September 2022. He joined Ph.D. in 2019 and pursuing Ph.D. degree in Embedded systems & IOT from Electronics and Communication Department,Lovely Professional University, phagwara, Punjab. He has teaching experience of 09 years. Received “ADARSH ACHARYA PURASKAR”, A National Award for Impact Creators in Engineering Education on 2nd October 2019. He also have two patents in the field of Biomedical.He also developed 500+ engineering/live projects till date and collaborated with several starups.He has a keen research and teaching interest in Embedded systems, IOT, wireless communications, Robotics, sensors,etc.He is doing research in Embedded with IOT for finding a Novel technique for Biomedical applications. He has attended various workshops,seminars,webinars, coursera, NPTEL and conferences during his academic career.
Research Interests
Embedded systems
Wireless sensor networks
Wireless communications
Teaching Interests
Embedded Systems
System on chip Architecture
Embedded real-time operating systems
Wireless Communication networks
Microwave Engineering
Cellular and mobile Communications
Satellite communications
Microwave and optical communications
Actuators and Robotics systems
Optical Fiber communications
Selected Publications
- Presented a paper of the research title “Energy efficient secured optimization routing algorithm for WSN-IOT” at the international research conference on Technology, Engineering culture and society 2022, 26th August 2022 at the conference control center, Bicol state college of Applied sciences and Technology, Naga city, camarines sur, Philippines.
- Mr. Chunduru venkata raviteja, “performance analysis of radio patterns for radio frequency identification” International Journal for Innovative Engineering & Management research. Vol 08 Issue07, Jul 2019 ISSN 2456 – 5083.
- Ch.V.Ravi Teja “Exploration of an Intelligent and Secure Wireless Body Area Networks for Health Monitoring” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S3, July 2019.
- Ch.v.Ravi Teja ,”A Biometric Based Secure Energy Efficient Light Weight Authentication Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks” International Conference on Recent Advancements in interdisciplinary Research, ICRAIR 23-24march 2019.
Selected Awards and Honors
External Profile Links
- Pursuing Ph.D. in Embedded systems & IOT from the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,Lovely Professional university, Phagwara, Punjab registered in the year 2019.
- M.Tech. Electronics and Communications, CVSR college of Engineering in the year 2013.
- B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering(ECE) in Holy mary institute of Technology & science Telangana, Hyderabad in the year 2010.