Mrs. B. Namratha
Assistant Professor
Mrs. B. Namratha working as Assistant Professor in Department of Information Technology has 10 years of teaching experience and is currently pursuing Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering at JNTU Hyderabad.She is a member of Institution of Engineers(IEI),India. Interested research areas are Machine learning, Big Data,Data Mining,Cloud computing. She has published research papers in Scopus indexed and UGC journals.
Research Interests
Machine learning,
Big Data,
Data Mining,
Cloud computing
Teaching Interests
Computer networks,
Data Warehousing and Data mining,
Cloud Computing,
Big Data,
Computer Organization,
Database Management System
Selected Publications
- B.Ravi Raju, B.Namratha, G.L.Anand Babu, An Approach for Identifying and Preventing Phishing Attacks; “International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)” ;vol 8.
- B.Namratha, Dr.A.P.Rao Importing E-Commerce Web Applications through Business Intelligence Techniques, “Design Methodology for Effective User Interface Design for E-Commerce Applications”, IGI Global
- Niteesha sharma,B. Namratha; “Towards addressing the challenges of Data Intensive Computing in Big Data Analytics”; International Journal of Control Theory and Applications; vol 23; ISSN; 0974-5572.
- B. Namratha,Niteesha sharma “Educational Data Mining – Applications and Techniques”; International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology; vol7; ISSN: 2278-621X.
Selected Awards and Honors
External Profile Links
- Ph.D (CSE) registered at JNTUH
- M.Tech (CSE) JNTUH
- B.Tech(IT) JNTUH