Assistant Professor
Mrs. M. Madhavi has 14 years of experience in Teaching, Working as Assistant Professor in Dept. of CSE, Has experience in handling the classes for regular B.Tech and M.Tech.(CSE) students. Experience in guiding the students in completing the project work at B.Tech, M.Tech. (CSE) level. Presented Research Papers in International and National level conferences. Coordinator of Anurag Android Club.
Research Interests
- Cyber Security
- Cyber Crime
- Machine Learning
- Intrusion Detection Systems
- Cyber Forensics
Teaching Interests
- C programming
- Python
- Machine Learning
- Information Security
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Compiler Design
- Distributed Systems
- Embedded Systems
- Computer Networks
- Data Communications
- Language Processor
- C++
- Data structures
Selected Publications
- M.Madhavi,Dr.G.Vishnu Murthy “Role of certifications to improve quality of Education in Active Learning” Seventh International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education ICTIEE-2020
- Mrs.M.Madhavi YOLO- Object Detection using Machine LearningJournal of Applied Science and Computations,Volume VI, Issue IV, April/2019,ISSN NO: 1076-5131
- Ms M.Madhavi “An Intrinsic approach to layered security for application layer” International journal of Innovative Research &Studies Volume 8,Issue II,Feb-2018,ISSN No-2319-9725
- Ms. M. Madhavi,Dr. G. Vishnu Murthy,M Sandeep;“Identification of Malicious Applications in Online Social Networks”;International Journal of Reviews on Recent ;Electronics and Computer Science;Vol:10: Issue :5;Jan 2017;ISSN:2321-5784
- Ms. M.Madhavi, Dr.G.Vishnu Murthy,P Rajeshwari” Detection of Compromised Accounts in Online Social Networks International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication Volume: 5 Issue: 7, July 2017, ISSN: 2321-8169
- Ms.M.Madhavi, Dr.G.Vishnu Murthy,Suman Gupta” Implementing Provable Security and Group Key Agreement for Conbe Scheme International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication Volume: 5 Issue: 7, July 2017,ISSN: 2321-8169
Selected Awards and Honors
External Profile Links
- Pursuing PhD from Reva University ,Bengaluru.
- 2007-2010 M.Tech from JNTUH, Hyderabad.
- 2000-2004 B.Tech Vazir Sultan College of Engineering ,Khammam.