Mrs. S. Saraswathi
Assistant Professor
S.Saraswathi received a Bachelor of Engineering (Eletrical Engineering) from JNTU, hyderabad in 2006, and master of technology(electrical power enginnering) from SNIST,Hyderabad in 2010 and persuing PhD in eletrical Engineering in JNTUH.Her Initial Academic appointment was in Vidya Bharathi institute of technology in2006 and later she joined as Adhoc faculty in NIT Warangal in 2010 presently she is working as associate professor in Anurag group of institutions from 2011.
Research Interests
- Power system
- smart grid
- AI techniques in modern power systems.
Teaching Interests
- Power systems
- control systems
- power engineering
- modern control theory
- smart grid
- electrical circuits
- power system operation and control.
Selected Publications
- S.Saraswathi,himabindu.v ‘ H-Bridge Hybrid Modular Converter (HBHMC) For Grid Application by using Fuzzy Logic to Controlling and Voltage Balancing of System’ IJITEE ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-1, November 2019
- S. Saraswathi, S. Mamatha-National Conference On Power Converters & Electric Drives “Power Quality Monitoring in smart grids using smart meters” at NIT Warangal.
- Sunkisani Sudeepthi, S. Saraswathi ‘A High Step-Up Converter with an Impedance Network for a Photovoltaic System’ ISSN 2319-8885 Vol.06,Issue.03 January-2017, Pages:0581-0586
- Athyam Swapna S. Saraswathi-“Fuzzy based speed controller for reduced switches multi level inverter fed induction motor drive”., ISSN(E):2348-6848,ISSN (P)2348-795X, IJSETR,VOL O2,Pages25-34,December 2015. 5. M. Ashok Naik,
- S. Saraswathi, M. V. Ramana rao’- Advanced improved digital controller for bldc motor to reduce torque ripples ISSN(P)-2250-155X,ISSN(E):2278-943X,vol.05,issue.02,pages;1-10,.April 2015
Selected Awards and Honors
External Profile Links
- 2002-2006: B.TECH from JNTUH
- 2008-2010: M.TECH from JNTUH